Wednesday, May 4, 2011

30 Days of Truth: Day 4

Something I need to forgive somebody for

I feel blessed not to have a lot of people who have done something to me that was hard to forgive. My Christian faith teaches me that I should forgive anyone who has treated me wrong. Therefore, as a Christian I should be able to say that I have forgiven any and all wrongdoing against me. As this is not the case, I suppose God is still working with me.

I should probably forgive somebody for being selfish, manipulative, neglectful, deceitful, and condescending. I should probably forgive them for treating me like sh*t, but I probably won't. I've moved past that incident. It's old news. I don't carry anger like a purse anymore;I'm rather indifferent. However, I won't forget. I think remembering is a necessary self-protection mechanism.

In discussions about forgiveness in bible studies or with friends it was defined as letting someone off the hook for wrongdoing and not holding a grudge. That could easily be arranged with some selective amnesia. Short of that scenario prospects are looking dim.

Oh yes, God is still working with me on the subject of forgiveness.

1 comment:

  1. Forgiveness is hard. The desire to forgive someone I think is easier that the act. You know it's the "right and Christian" thing to do. But they don't have a class on it in school - do they? People tell you to forgive, but I think it is a very few who do it completely - Who give it to God. Even if you say you forgive, you may not wear the grudge like a purse, but when needed can unpack it out of the back closet. You know that little twinge that you can manage to smile through, butthe pain can still be conjured up. I know the feelings all to well and struggle with Forgiveness also. But I think it is better to struggle with it than to not deal with it at all. God knows our heart and will continue to work with us.
