Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just say No to cake

Did my workout this morning. No more workouts till Monday morning. Yay! I'll weigh myself officially tomorrow but it looks like I've lost about 2 pounds this week. It's iffy though, weekends are brutal on my snacking impulses.

According to a speech I heard from Dan Ariely last week, I need some type of reward substitution for avoiding snacks. My human behavior won't let me say no to sweet treats simply because they are unhealthy and go against my weight loss goals. I need to do the right thing for the wrong reason. Instead of eating the piece of cake, I can substitute something else pleasing and immediate like..... Well that's the part I haven't figured out yet.

Mr. Ariely, author of the book Predictably Irrational ( I read it last year), suggests that I make some contract to allow something unpleasant to happen whenever I fail to achieve a fitness goal. Do the right thing to avoid certain punishment. What's an example of unpleasant for me?
- post my "before" picture on Facebook (most extreme)
- send a $50 donation to the republican party
- update my Facebook status saying that I didn't workout or that I gained instead of lost pounds

That's all I've got right now. I'm up for suggestions if you have any.

Note: Dan Ariely is a behavioral economist at Duke University. He spoke at TEDx NC State last Thursday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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