Saturday, February 12, 2011

A seriously abridged love story and a love letter

I love stories where the plot centers around forbidden love. 
Top prize go to: (Yes. I'm giving away multiple top prizes! It's my blog I can do that.)
  • The Notebook - movie
  • Bridges of Madison County - book
  • Moulin Rouge  - movie
  • Something Borrowed - book ( I hope I enjoy the movie)
  • Different World "Save The Best for Last" 1992 episodes (both of them but especially the end of Part 2)
Why forbidden love? Because the road to the love of my life was a forbidden one and I relate to these characters and their emotions on such a personal level.

Clarification: No nuptials were broken during the construction of my personal love story. 

Before I share one of my favorite love letters from my husband (pre-dating) I want to give a little background.

In 1992, I spent many months in a miserable and lonely relationship. Me and "this guy" were Dating Other People but he was doing all the dating. When I finally decided to try this Dating Other People thing, I discovered my soulmate, David,"this guy's" good friend. 
<< Enter forbidden love>>          
An intense yet brief summer-love style romance commenced (think Bridges of Madison County). I didn't know he was my soulmate at the time, I just knew that I liked everything about him and longed to be in his presence. For all I knew, the quick-developing passion I felt was  infatuation , a crush or maybe even lust. Pursuing this further would create a really ugly situation. I'm not fluent on the rules of Dating Other People, but I'm sure that falling for someone else (especially your guy's friend) was a serious violation. So we backed off.

David and I settled for friendship and suppressed any feelings in excess of that. For the next year I found myself back where I started, in a miserable and lonely relationship with "that guy".  He and David had become best friends. 

In 1994 I decided that I could do bad all by myself. It was time to end this madness.  David and I had maintained a close friendship since 1992 so of course I shared with him that I was leaving my current "relationship" in search of something fulfilling. I guess you could say I put David on notice.  I told him everything I desired in a relationship. After 2 years of not having it, I knew exactly what I needed.  So in an email, I asked him to honestly consider whether he'd be willing to do that for and with me.  Not only was there the dating-his-best-friend's ex issue to consider, David was involved with someone else at the time and had lots of female attention in general.  I couldn't assume what his response would be, but I trusted him to be honest with me. 

Below is David's response:

~Summer 1994~
From the very beginning of our romantic relationship, my intent was to develop something that would be long-lasting and meaningful. What we have right now fits that criteria, but I want and need more. I am thinking about commitment just as you are. I too believe in taking all the proper steps before making that decision. Twanda, if the opportunity presents itself, I will willingly give you what you need- commitment.

After all we've been through, I would be foolish to want anything less. Besides, what I want is you. Despite the situation or circumstances, the past year has made that obvious to me. I dated other women, but I have not found anyone who makes me feel the way you have. I'm sure you remember our long talks about me and my love life- why I hadn't found anyone special to be with? The reason why is because I couldn't find anyone that I wanted more than you.

Yesterday. I don't regret kissing you. It felt like I had waited a lifetime for that moment to come again. I don't know how long I will be able to stand stealing only brief moments of surreal time together. I already want more. I look forward to seeing you in the time we do have together ALONE. 

There  is a whole lot more I would like to say. I am having trouble writing today, but I may get a chance to continue my thoughts later. I spend most of my time thinking about this situation and how to handle things. Even if I don't have the opportunity to be with you in the future, what then? At some point things have to be resolved. 

I hope I can see you later this evening.

Two years later we were married and that was nearly 15 years ago.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Twanda. Thank you for sharing such a personal aspect of your life. It really just gives "face" to what I already see with the two of you. Congrats on Fifteen years of "Black love."
